Step 1:
From the ready stance step forward with your left foot into a back stance while executing a lift outside forearm block with right arm positioned at chest (palm up/fist tight)
Step 2:
Shift into a left front stance and execute a right reverse punch to the mid-section
Step 3:
Execute a lift front jump kick and yell. As you land in a left foot forward front stance execute an outside to inside forearm block.
Step 4:
From the same stance execute a right reverse punch followed by a left straight punch (mid-section)
Step 5:
Step forward into a right front stance while executing a right straight punch.
Step 6:
Pivot counter clockwise on the ball of your right foot, swinging your left foot around 270 degrees as simultaneously execute a left down block and a right outside middle block into a left modified front stance (you are turned 45 degrees to the right of you blocks looking over your left shoulder).
Step 7:
Pivot counter clockwise on the ball of your right foot, to face the direction of your previous down block, and step forward with your left foot inot a front stance while pulling your left fist in toward your right shoulder while simultaneously executing a right uppercut slowly.
Step 8:
Pivot right on the ball of your right foot looking 180 degrees right. Now cross your left foot in front of your right foot assuming a cross legged stance bringing your right fist to chest level, and your left fist to stomach level. Now step in with your right foot and simultaneously execute a right down block and a left outside middle block into a right modified front stance (you are turned 45 degrees to the left of your blocks looking over your right shoulder).
Step 9:
Pivot clockwise on the ball of your left foot, to face the direction of your previous down block, and step forward with you right foot into a front stance while pulling you right fist in toward your left shoulder while simultaneously executing a left uppercut slowly.
Step 10:
Look left - turn left (180') bringing your right foot up beside your left foot, look left - turn left(90') step back into a left foot forward back stance, and execute a left outside double knife-hand block
Step 11:
Take a small step forward with your left foot as you pivot on you right foot into a left rear stance while executing a right reverse middle punch
Step 12:
Execute a right front kick bringing your right leg back to its original position after kicking. Now step backwards with your left foot assuming a tiger stance, and execute a right inside palm block.
Step 13:
Look left - turn left (90') stepping into a left foot forward
tiger stance while executing a left outside double knife-hand block
Step 14:
Left front kick landing in a left front stance, and execute a right reverse punch. Keeping your right foot planted, move left foot back into a tiger stance and execute a left inside palm block
Step 15:
Look right - turn right (180') Moving your right foot into a
right tiger stance. Execute a right front kick landing in a right front stance,
and execute a left reverse punch. Slide your right foot back into a tiger stance
and execute a right inside palm block.
Step 16:
Look right - turn right (90') stepping forward with your right foot into a right back stance and execute a right outside double low block.
Step 17:
Left front kick followed by a right jumping front kick (KIAP!)
while your left foot is still in the air. Then step down into a right front
stance and execute a right outside to inside forearm block followed by a left
reverse punch/right straight punch.
Step 18:
Look left - turn left (270') on your right foot as your left foot steps out into a left back stance while executing a left outside knife-hand block.
Step 19:
Take a small step forward with your left foot as you pivot on you right foot into a lent front stance while executing a right reverse elbow strike.
Step 20:
From the same stance execute a right reverse back fist strike followed by a left straight punch.
Step 21:
Pivot to your right 180 degrees on your left foot as your right foot steps out into a right back stance while executing a right outside knife-hand block.
Step 22:
Take a small step forward with your right foot as you pivot on you left foot into a right front stance while executing a left reverse elbow strike.
Step 23:
From the same stance execute a left reverse back fist strike followed by a right straight punch.
Step 19:
Look left - turn left 90 degrees - return to ready stance