Step 1:
Look left (90') - left arm low block - *long/low stance*
Step 2:
Right foot snap (front) kick bringing right foot back behind left foot into a back-stance while executing a left arm inside outside forearm block
Step 3:
Look right - turn right(180') - right arm low block - *long/low stance*
Step 4:
Left foot snap (front) kick bringing left foot back behind right foot into a back-stance while executing a right arm inside outside forearm block
Step 5:
Look left - turn left(90') into a left foot low stance while executing a right arm inside to outside forearm block
Step 6:
Right foot round house kick - turn left 90' quickly step forward into a left foot low stance while executing a left arm inside to outside high forearm block and a reverse punch
Step 7:
Right foot snap (front) kick into a right foot low stance - left arm reverse middle punch
Step 8:
Step right foot back - pivot left foot 180' right into a right foot low stance while executing a right arm inside to outside high forearm block followed by a left arm reverse punch
Step 9:
From the same stance, left arm reverse middle punch followed by a left foot snap (front) kick into a left foot low stance - right arm middle punch
Step 10:
Step left foot back turning left 90' while executing a double low block
Step 11:
Step right foot forward into a right foot low stance while executing a left reverse inside to outside knife hand block
Step 12:
Left foot round house kick - !!KIAP!! - Step right foot back and turn 270' into a right low stance while executing a right down block
Step 13:
Left foot snap (front) kick bringing left foot back behind the right foot into a back-stance while executing a right arm inside to outside forearm block
Step 14:
Pivot left 180' on the ball of your right foot while stepping into a left foot low stance - left arm low block
Step 15:
Right foot snap (front) kick bringing right foot behind left foot into left foot low stance while executing a left arm inside to outside forearm block
Step 16:
Bring right foot back to your left foot then turn left 90' as you step back with right foot into a left foot back-stance while executing a left arm inside to outside double knife hand block
Step 17:
Step left foot back into a right foot back-stance while executing a right arm outside to inside double knife hand block
Step 18:
Step back into a left foot low stance while executing a left arm
palm block followed by a right arm reverse middle punch
Step 19:
Step left foot back into a right foot back-stance while executing a right arm palm block followed by a left arm reverse middle punch (no kiap)
Step 19:
Return to ready stance